I’m attempting to override the “from” display name and email address using the wp_mail()
function. I am using the wp_mail_from
filter hook to modify it with my custom function using add_filter('wp_mail_from','abcisupport_wp_mail_from')
If I hard code the value, it will return the address so it’s wired up properly. If I use the argument, it returns the site network defaults. How can I pass in a value to the arguments (here: $email
and $name
) to my overriding functions?
function abcisupport_wp_mail_from($email) {
return $email; //returns our default site network email address
/* return 'michael@site.com'; // returns michael@site.com as the from address*/
function abcisupport_wp_mail_from_name($name) {
return $name; //returns our default site network display name
function send_abc_mail_before_submit(){
add_filter('wp_mail_content_type',create_function('', 'return "text/html";'));
wp_mail($to, $subject, $mailbody, $headers);
Note: all fields within the wp_mail()
function are already set; code above has been simplified for readability.
A couple possibilities.
Use the settings API to add a form field somewhere in your admin area where the user can enter the email they want to use. Retrieve it in your hooked function with get_option
This would be the way to go if you’re going to use the same from email everywhere.
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'wpse66067_mail_from');
function wpse66067_mail_from($email)
if($e = get_option('wpse66067_option'))
return $e;
return $email; // we don't have anything in the option return default.
Use an object, and store the from email as a property. This would be the way to go if you need to change the from email on a per send basis.
class WPSE66067_Emailer
private static $from_email="something@email.com";
public static function send_mail()
add_filter('wp_mail_from', array(__CLASS__, 'from_email');
// change the email
wp_mail( /* args here */ );
// you probably don't need to do this.
remove_filter('wp_mail_from', array(__CLASS__, 'from_email');
public static function from_email($e)
return self::$from_email;
return $e;
Use a global. This is (probably) a terrible idea. If you need to use change the email every time, use an object and a property (see above).
function wpse66067_send_mail()
// globalize and change the email
global $wpse66067_email;
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'wpse66067_from_email');
wp_mail( /* args here */ );
function wpse66067_from_email($e)
global $wpse66067_email;
return $wpse66067_email;
return $e;