I’m trying to create a shortcode that can display a list of categories. However, it should:
- First, limit the results to a specific post type (based on shortcode usage)
- then check to see if category has any posts, if it doesn’t, omit it from the list
- Finally, display list in alphabetical order
I found some code online that seems to work, if I want to use it as a page template, but I would like to use it as a shortcode so I can place it in a widget on my site.
For example, I would like to type: [catlist post_type=places] and it will display a list of categories under the post type “Places”.
Here is the code that is sort of working, however it places the list outside of the widget, almost in a div before the widget box.
function wp_list_categories_for_post_type($post_type, $args="") {
$exclude = array();
// Check ALL categories for posts of given post type
foreach (get_categories() as $category) {
$posts = get_posts(array('post_type' => $post_type, 'category' => $category->cat_ID));
// If no posts found, ...
if (empty($posts))
// ...add category to exclude list
$exclude[] = $category->cat_ID;
// Set up args
if (! empty($exclude)) {
$args .= ('' === $args) ? '' : '&';
$args .= 'exclude=".implode(",', $exclude);
// List categories
add_shortcode('catlist', 'wp_list_categories_for_post_type');
Thank you for anyone that can help.