I’ve been looking for a solution to my problem for a while now.
Under my wp_options page I have the following serialized entry saved:
a:17:{s:11:"date_format";s:5:"d/m/Y";s:15:"currency_symbol";s:1:"$";s:14:"recaptcha_lang";s:2:"en";s:13:"req_div_label";s:0:"";s:16:"req_field_symbol";s:1:"*";s:15:"req_error_label";s:81:"Por favor, certifique-se de que todos os campos obrigatórios estão preenchidos.";s:15:"req_field_error";s:29:"Este é um campo obrigatório";s:10:"spam_error";s:53:"Por favor responda a pergunta anti-spam corretamente.";s:14:"honeypot_error";s:41:"Por favor, deixar o campo spam em branco.";s:18:"timed_submit_error";s:47:"Por favor, aguarde a submissão do formulário.";s:16:"javascript_error";s:75:"Você não pode submeter o formulário sem que o Javascript esteja ativado.";s:13:"invalid_email";s:50:"Por favor entre com um endereço de email válido.";s:13:"process_label";s:11:"Processando";s:17:"password_mismatch";s:35:"As senhas informadas não conferem.";s:18:"fix_field_reply_to";i:1;s:19:"fix_form_email_from";i:1;s:7:"version";s:6:"2.9.33";}
Note that I have some latin characters in there such as “Este é um campo obrigatório”. When displaying this specific string in the front end I get the following result: “Este é um campo obrigatório”
Other latin characters saved in the same table are displaying just fine, the bloginfo(‘description’) for example. The mentioned string comes from a Ninja Form option.
I`ve tried changing my wp-config.php charset, the header meta charset, the database collation and the table charset but nothing seems to work.
I`m not sure if that might help but I had some problems with email that were sent through wp_mail displaying the same odd characters instead of the proper latin ones.
Any help here is appreciated! Thank you very much.