I want to clean up <script>
tags generated by WordPress to produce more semantic output for HTML5.
You can already do this for <style>
tags using this code attached to the style_loader_tag
//clean up the default WordPress style tags
add_filter('style_loader_tag', 'clean_style_tag');
function clean_style_tag($input) {
preg_match_all("!<link rel="stylesheet"\s?(id='[^']+')?\s+href="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/50439/(.*)" type="text/css" media="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/50439/(.*)" />!", $input, $matches);
//only display media if it's print
$media = $matches[3][0] === 'print' ? ' media="print"' : '';
return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $matches[2][0] . '"' . $media . '>' . "\n";
But there isn’t an equivalent script_loader_tag
in core yet. It was proposed in the past, but for now we need a workaround.
I’ve started looking in /wp-includes/class.wp-scripts.php
at function do_item( $handle, $group = false )
around line 79 which holds the script output (specifically lines 117-120
), but I’m having a bit of trouble finding an appropriate filter that could be used here.