I’m trying to use the command line program convert to take a PDF into an image (JPEG or PNG). Here is one of the PDFs that I’m trying to convert.

I want the program to trim off the excess white-space and return a high enough quality image that the superscripts can be read with ease.

This is my current best attempt. As you can see, the trimming works fine, I just need to sharpen up the resolution quite a bit. This is the command I’m using:

convert -trim 24.pdf -resize 500% -quality 100 -sharpen 0x1.0 24-11.jpg

I’ve tried to make the following conscious decisions:

  • resize it larger (has no effect on the resolution)
  • make the quality as high as possible
  • use the -sharpen (I’ve tried a range of values)

Any suggestions please on getting the resolution of the image in the final PNG/JPEG higher would be greatly appreciated!

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