Convert Rows to columns using ‘Pivot’ in SQL Server

I have read the stuff on MS pivot tables and I am still having problems getting this correct.

I have a temp table that is being created, we will say that column 1 is a Store number, and column 2 is a week number and lastly column 3 is a total of some type. Also the Week numbers are dynamic, the store numbers are static.

Store      Week     xCount
-------    ----     ------
102        1        96
101        1        138
105        1        37
109        1        59
101        2        282
102        2        212
105        2        78
109        2        97
105        3        60
102        3        123
101        3        220
109        3        87

I would like it to come out as a pivot table, like this:

Store        1          2          3        4        5        6....
101        138        282        220
102         96        212        123
105         37        

Store numbers down the side and weeks across the top.

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