I’m starting with input data like this
df1 = pandas.DataFrame( {
"Name" : ["Alice", "Bob", "Mallory", "Mallory", "Bob" , "Mallory"] ,
"City" : ["Seattle", "Seattle", "Portland", "Seattle", "Seattle", "Portland"] } )
Which when printed appears as this:
City Name
0 Seattle Alice
1 Seattle Bob
2 Portland Mallory
3 Seattle Mallory
4 Seattle Bob
5 Portland Mallory
Grouping is simple enough:
g1 = df1.groupby( [ "Name", "City"] ).count()
and printing yields a GroupBy
City Name
Name City
Alice Seattle 1 1
Bob Seattle 2 2
Mallory Portland 2 2
Seattle 1 1
But what I want eventually is another DataFrame object that contains all the rows in the GroupBy object. In other words I want to get the following result:
City Name
Name City
Alice Seattle 1 1
Bob Seattle 2 2
Mallory Portland 2 2
Mallory Seattle 1 1
I can’t quite see how to accomplish this in the pandas documentation. Any hints would be welcome.