I’m doing a site in wordpress and I need some help.
I have a custom registration form where users can sign up and get special roles, but I want to save the users to the database as not activated so that the admin activates them through a plugin. Problem is that the code I’m using, just saves the user in the db immediately and the account is usable.

Any ideas on how to create a new user as not activated?

$newUser = wp_create_user($un, $pw, $em);    
        if (!$newUser || is_wp_error($newUser)) {       
            $error = "[:en]Please fill in all fields.[:it]Please fill in all fields.";
        } else {
            $userinfo = array('ID'=>$newUser, 'first_name' => $fn, 'last_name' => $ln);   
            update_usermeta($newUser, 'company', $co);
            $user = new WP_User($newUser);
            $success = "[:en]Your registration has been submitted for approval.[:it]Your registration has been submitted for approval.";
            wp_new_user_notification($newUser, $pw);

5 Answers

WordPress does not have a active/deactivate function out of the box
This worked for me to create users with aditional data.

        'user_login' => $username,
        'user_pass' => $password,
        'user_email' => $email,
        'wp_user_level' => $role,
        'show_admin_bar_front' => 'false' //you probably won't want normal users to see the admin bar

Try adding a temporary role with no rights at all.

I see you are directly trying to insert the user without validating your data first.
That’s not very safe.

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