I aim to create a tutorial on my users for the admin area. To achieve this, I’m using the admin pointers available in WP core. My goal:

enter image description here

I am almost there. What I got so far…

Enqueue wp-pointer scripts:

add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_admin_pointers_header' );

function custom_admin_pointers_header() {
    if ( custom_admin_pointers_check() ) {
        add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'custom_admin_pointers_footer' );

        wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-pointer' );
        wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-pointer' );

Helper functions, including conditional check and footer script:

function custom_admin_pointers_check() {
    $admin_pointers = custom_admin_pointers();
    foreach ( $admin_pointers as $pointer => $array ) {
        if ( $array['active'] )
            return true;

function custom_admin_pointers_footer() {
    $admin_pointers = custom_admin_pointers();
    <script type="text/javascript">
        /* <![CDATA[ */
        ( function($) {
            foreach ( $admin_pointers as $pointer => $array ) {
               if ( $array['active'] ) {
            $( '<?php echo $array['anchor_id']; ?>' ).pointer( {
                content: '<?php echo $array['content']; ?>',
                position: {
                    edge: '<?php echo $array['edge']; ?>',
                    align: '<?php echo $array['align']; ?>'
                close: function() {
                    $.post( ajaxurl, {
                        pointer: '<?php echo $pointer; ?>',
                        action: 'dismiss-wp-pointer'
                    } );
            } ).pointer( 'open' );
        } )(jQuery);
        /* ]]> */

Now we are ready to put together the array of pointers:

function custom_admin_pointers() {
    $dismissed = explode( ',', (string) get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'dismissed_wp_pointers', true ) );
    $version = '1_0'; // replace all periods in 1.0 with an underscore
    $prefix = 'custom_admin_pointers' . $version . '_';

    $new_pointer_content="<h3>" . __( 'Add New Item' ) . '</h3>';
    $new_pointer_content .= '<p>' . __( 'Easily add a new post, media item, link, page or user by selecting from this drop down menu.' ) . '</p>';

    $story_pointer_content="<h3>" . __( 'Another info' ) . '</h3>';
    $story_pointer_content .= '<p>' . __( 'Lorem ipsum...' ) . '</p>';

    return array(
        $prefix . 'new_items' => array(
            'content' => $new_pointer_content,
            'anchor_id' => '#wp-admin-bar-new-content',
            'edge' => 'top',
            'align' => 'left',
            'active' => ( ! in_array( $prefix . 'new_items', $dismissed ) )
        $prefix.'story_cover_help' => array(
            'content' => $story_pointer_content,
            'anchor_id' => '#save-post',
            'edge' => 'top',
            'align' => 'right',
            'active' => ( ! in_array( $prefix . 'story_cover_help', $dismissed ) )


The code is self-explanatory. We can easily add more pointers by extending the array. Everything works fine in WP4.

Now to the problem: All popup pointers appear at the same time, making this a poor interface for a tutorial.

My aim is to show the pointers one by one, and allow the user to click on a Next button to navigate through the tutorial. The next button should open the next pointer and close the last one.

How can I do this?

2 s

You are calling .pointer( 'open' ); javascript function on all the pointers objects, so is not a surprise that all pointers appear on same time…

That said, I don’t understand why do you returns all pointers (even non-active ones) from custom_admin_pointers() and then add an additional function to check if there are some active pointers and a check inside pointers loop (if ( $array['active'] ) {) to choose to add javascript pointer or not. Is not simpler just returning only active pointers?

Moreover, you are adding that javascript on all admin pages, is not too much? Also consider that some elements like “#save-post” are available only on new post page, so is not better add the pointers only in new pot page?

Finally, how messy are that javascript mixed up with PHP, I think you should consider to use wp_localize_script to pass data to javascript.

The plan:

  1. Move the pointers definitions in PHP to a separate file, in this way it’s easy to edit and also removing markup from PHP code, everything result more readable and maintenable
  2. In the pointers configuration add a property “where” that will be used to set in which admin page a popup should appear: post-new.php, index.php
  3. Write a class that will handle the loading, the parsing and the filtering of pointers info
  4. Write some js goodness that will help us to change the default “Remove” button to “Next”

The #4 can (probably) done easily knowing the pointer plugin well, but it’s not my case. So I’ll use general jQuery code to obtain the result, if someone can improve my code I’ll appreciate.


I edited the code (mainly js) because there are different things I had not considered: some pointers may be added to same anchor, or same pointers can be added to non-existing or non-visible anchors. In all that case previous code did’nt work, the new version seems to address that issues nicely.

I’ve also setup a Gist with all the code I used to test.

Let’s start with points #1 and #2: create a file named pointers.php and write there:

$pointers = array();

$pointers['new-items'] = array(
  'title'     => sprintf( '<h3>%s</h3>', esc_html__( 'Add New Item' ) ),
  'content'   => sprintf( '<p>%s</p>', esc_html__( 'Easily add a new post..' ) ),
  'anchor_id' => '#wp-admin-bar-new-content',
  'edge'      => 'top',
  'align'     => 'left',
  'where'     => array( 'index.php', 'post-new.php' ) // <-- Please note this

$pointers['story_cover_help'] = array(
  'title'     => sprintf( '<h3>%s</h3>', esc_html__( 'Another info' ) ),
  'content'   => sprintf( '<p>%s</p>', esc_html__( 'Lore ipsum....' ) ),
  'anchor_id' => '#save-post',
  'edge'      => 'top',
  'align'     => 'right',
  'where'     => array( 'post-new.php' ) // <-- Please note this

// more pointers here...

return $pointers; 

All pointers configuration is here. When you need to change something, just open this file and edit it.

Note the “where” property that is an array of pages where the pointer should be available.

If you want to display pointers in a page generated by a plugin, look for this line outlined below public function filter( $page ) { and add die($page); immediately underneath it. Then open the respective plugin page and use that string in the where property.

Ok, now the point #3.

Before writing the class I just want to code an interface: there I’ll put comments so that you can better understand what class will do.

interface PointersManagerInterface {

  * Load pointers from file and setup id with prefix and version.
  * Cast pointers to objects.
  public function parse();
  * Remove from parse pointers dismissed ones and pointers
  * that should not be shown on given page
  * @param string $page Current admin page file
  public function filter( $page );


I think should be pretty clear. Now let’s write the class, it will contain the 2 methods from interface plus the constructor.

<?php namespace GM;
class PointersManager implements PointersManagerInterface {
  private $pfile;
  private $version;
  private $prefix;
  private $pointers = array();
  public function __construct( $file, $version, $prefix ) {
    $this->pfile = file_exists( $file ) ? $file : FALSE;
    $this->version = str_replace( '.', '_', $version );
    $this->prefix = $prefix;
  public function parse() {
    if ( empty( $this->pfile ) ) return;
    $pointers = (array) require_once $this->pfile;
    if ( empty($pointers) ) return;
    foreach ( $pointers as $i => $pointer ) {
      $pointer['id'] = "{$this->prefix}{$this->version}_{$i}";
      $this->pointers[$pointer['id']] = (object) $pointer;
  public function filter( $page ) {
    if ( empty( $this->pointers ) ) return array();
    $uid = get_current_user_id();
    $no = explode( ',', (string) get_user_meta( $uid, 'dismissed_wp_pointers', TRUE ) );
    $active_ids = array_diff( array_keys( $this->pointers ), $no );
    $good = array();
    foreach( $this->pointers as $i => $pointer ) {
      if (
        in_array( $i, $active_ids, TRUE ) // is active
        && isset( $pointer->where ) // has where
        && in_array( $page, (array) $pointer->where, TRUE ) // current page is in where
      ) {
       $good[] = $pointer;
    $count = count( $good );
    if ( $good === 0 ) return array();
    foreach( array_values( $good ) as $i => $pointer ) {
      $good[$i]->next = $i+1 < $count ? $good[$i+1]->id : '';
    return $good;

Code is very simple, and does exactly what interface expects.

However, the class does nothing by itself, we need an hook where to instantiate the class nad launch the 2 methods passing proper arguments.

The 'admin_enqueue_scripts' is perfect for our scope: there we will have access to current admin page and we can also enqueue scripts and styles needed.

add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', function( $page ) {
  $file = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'pointers.php';
  // Arguments: pointers php file, version (dots will be replaced), prefix
  $manager = new PointersManager( $file, '5.0', 'custom_admin_pointers' );
  $pointers = $manager->filter( $page );
  if ( empty( $pointers ) ) { // nothing to do if no pointers pass the filter
  wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-pointer' );
  $js_url = plugins_url( 'pointers.js', __FILE__ );
  wp_enqueue_script( 'custom_admin_pointers', $js_url, array('wp-pointer'), NULL, TRUE );
  // data to pass to javascript
  $data = array(
    'next_label' => __( 'Next' ),
    'close_label' => __('Close'),
    'pointers' => $pointers
  wp_localize_script( 'custom_admin_pointers', 'MyAdminPointers', $data );
} );

Nothing special: just using the class to get pointers data and if some pointers pass the filters enqueue styles and scripts. Then pass pointers data to script along to the localized “Next” label for the button.

Ok, now the “hardest” part: the js. Again I want to highlight that I don’t know the pointer plugin WordPress uses, so what I do in my code can be done better if someone knows it, however my code do its work and -genarally speaking- it’s not so bad.

( function($, MAP) {

  $(document).on( 'MyAdminPointers.setup_done', function( e, data ) {
    MAP.setPlugin( data ); // open first popup
  } );
  $(document).on( 'MyAdminPointers.current_ready', function( e ) {
    MAP.openPointer(); // open a popup
  } );
  MAP.js_pointers = {};        // contain js-parsed pointer objects
  MAP.first_pointer = false;   // contain first pointer anchor jQuery object
  MAP.current_pointer = false; // contain current pointer jQuery object
  MAP.last_pointer = false;    // contain last pointer jQuery object
  MAP.visible_pointers = [];   // contain ids of pointers whose anchors are visible
  MAP.hasNext = function( data ) { // check if a given pointer has valid next property
    return typeof data.next === 'string'
      && data.next !== ''
      && typeof MAP.js_pointers[data.next].data !== 'undefined'
      && typeof MAP.js_pointers[data.next].data.id === 'string';
  MAP.isVisible = function( data ) { // check if anchor for given pointer is visible
    return $.inArray( data.id, MAP.visible_pointers ) !== -1;
  // given a pointer object, return its the anchor jQuery object if available
  // otherwise return first available, lookin at next property of subsequent pointers
  MAP.getPointerData = function( data ) { 
    var $target = $( data.anchor_id );
    if ( $.inArray(data.id, MAP.visible_pointers) !== -1 ) {
      return { target: $target, data: data };
    $target = false;
    while( MAP.hasNext( data ) && ! MAP.isVisible( data ) ) {
      data = MAP.js_pointers[data.next].data;
      if ( MAP.isVisible( data ) ) {
        $target = $(data.anchor_id);
    return MAP.isVisible( data )
      ? { target: $target, data: data }
      : { target: false, data: false };
  // take pointer data and setup pointer plugin for anchor element
  MAP.setPlugin = function( data ) {
    if ( typeof MAP.last_pointer === 'object') {
      MAP.last_pointer = false;
    MAP.current_pointer = false;
    var pointer_data = MAP.getPointerData( data );
      if ( ! pointer_data.target || ! pointer_data.data ) {
    $target = pointer_data.target;
    data = pointer_data.data;
    $pointer = $target.pointer({
      content: data.title + data.content,
      position: { edge: data.edge, align: data.align },
      close: function() {
        // open next pointer if it exists
        if ( MAP.hasNext( data ) ) {
          MAP.setPlugin( MAP.js_pointers[data.next].data );
        $.post( ajaxurl, { pointer: data.id, action: 'dismiss-wp-pointer' } );
    MAP.current_pointer = { pointer: $pointer, data: data };
    $(document).trigger( 'MyAdminPointers.current_ready' );
  // scroll the page to current pointer then open it
  MAP.openPointer = function() {          
    var $pointer = MAP.current_pointer.pointer;
    if ( ! typeof $pointer === 'object' ) {
    $('html, body').animate({ // scroll page to pointer
      scrollTop: $pointer.offset().top - 30
    }, 300, function() { // when scroll complete
      MAP.last_pointer = $pointer;
        var $widget = $pointer.pointer('widget');
        MAP.setNext( $widget, MAP.current_pointer.data );
        $pointer.pointer( 'open' ); // open
  // if there is a next pointer set button label to "Next", to "Close" otherwise
  MAP.setNext = function( $widget, data ) {
    if ( typeof $widget === 'object' ) {
      var $buttons = $widget.find('.wp-pointer-buttons').eq(0);        
      var $close = $buttons.find('a.close').eq(0);
      $button = $close.clone(true, true).removeClass('close');
      has_next = false;
      if ( MAP.hasNext( data ) ) {
        has_next_data = MAP.getPointerData(MAP.js_pointers[data.next].data);
        has_next = has_next_data.target && has_next_data.data;
      var label = has_next ? MAP.next_label : MAP.close_label;
  $(MAP.pointers).each(function(index, pointer) { // loop pointers data
    if( ! $().pointer ) return;      // do nothing if pointer plugin isn't available
    MAP.js_pointers[pointer.id] = { data: pointer };
    var $target = $(pointer.anchor_id);
    if ( $target.length && $target.is(':visible') ) { // anchor exists and is visible?
      if ( ! MAP.first_pointer ) {
        MAP.first_pointer = pointer;
    if ( index === ( MAP.pointers.length - 1 ) && MAP.first_pointer ) {
      $(document).trigger( 'MyAdminPointers.setup_done', MAP.first_pointer );

} )(jQuery, MyAdminPointers); // MyAdminPointers is passed by `wp_localize_script`

With help of comments the code should be pretty clear, at least, I hope so.

Ok we are done. Our PHP is simpler and better organized, our javascript more readable, pointers are easier to edit and, more important, everything works.


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