Due to some custom software integration, I have my theme generate some pages automatically with set templates in order to achieve the required functionalities.
I do so with the following script:
(page names are fictitious but realistic)
function xc_add_custom_pages() {
// Get pages list, function below
$pageList = xc_get_custom_page_list();
foreach ($pageList as $customPage)
// Check page existence
if( !empty($customPage['title'])
&& !empty($customPage['template'])
&& !get_page_by_title($customPage['title'])) {
$pageParams = array(
'post_type' => 'page',
'post_title' => $customPage['title'],
'post_content' => '',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_author' => 1
// Set sutom slug if required
if ($customPage['slug']) {
$pageParams['post_name'] = $customPage['slug'];
// Set sutom template if required
if ($customPage['template']) {
$pageParams['page_template'] = $customPage['template'];
// Create the page
$customPage['id'] = wp_insert_post( $pageParams );
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'xc_add_custom_pages');
function xc_get_custom_page_list() {
return array(
'title' => 'Product registration',
'template' => 'page-templates/tpl-regprod.php',
'slug' => 'product-registration'
'title' => 'Private area',
'template' => 'page-templates/tpl-private-area.php',
'slug' => 'private-area'
'title' => 'Assistance report',
'template' => 'page-templates/tpl-asst-report.php',
'slug' => 'assistance-report'
// more pages...
Pages have been created yesterday and could be seen in the list until today.
Today I find the total pages count correctly including the custom pages, but no matter what filter I click (‘All’ included) I can only see the ones which were created before my script.
I even tried clicking on Tutti
(All) and switching to All languages
in WPML but I get sent back to the 11 Italian pages. My custom pages do seem to have “no language”, but shouldn’t I see them in All languages
Why did the pages “de-list”? Is there a way to list them back?
Thanks in advance for your time. Have a nice day!