I’ve created a new custom post type (lets call it “Reviews”) on the backend of my WordPress. It works fine for the most part but the Categories I create within that Custom Post Type are not displaying on the meta box.
For example, in a normal post, it should say “In Category X”. In the custom post type, that field is empty. Here are two examples:
Working properly: http://gamingsirs.com/?p=1
Not working: http://gamingsirs.com/?reviews=test
<?php $category_list = get_the_category_list( __( ', ', 'standard' ) ); ?>
<?php if( $category_list ) { ?>
<?php printf( '<span class="the-category">' . __( '%1$s', 'standard' ) . '</span>', $category_list ); ?>
<?php } // end if ?>
You can see the category area is blank. Any suggestions on how to make it show would be greatly appreciated.