I am in the process of writing a plugin that allows end-users to submit a form that includes customer information. Upon submission, I am notified that a new customer has submitted the request form. If I approve the account, I am going to create a WordPress user account.
I am at the beginning stages of this plugin and want to know if I should use custom database tables to store my user information, or if I should go the route of just simply using a custom post type and adding meta-data to the post type?
Wow, down-vote already! Anyway, an update to my question, let me word it this way…I have now attempted to create a custom post type of customer, and for customer, I wanted to only have a meta-box that contained First Name and Last Name. When I did this and disabled all of the supports options for the custom post type, it was a nightmare listing the posts due to the missing Title value. It would always set the Title to “Auto-Generated” and that doesn’t work for me. I ran into this GREAT Plugin (super-cpt) that makes the creation of custom post types and meta-boxes a breeze.
So, I’m not so sure custom post types will work for me since so much custom UI work needs to be done to convince the front-end and admin dashboard to work for me. I’m leaning more and more on custom data tables but would like more info on customizing the edit form for a custom post type. Anyone have a link they could share?