I’m creating a multisite network for authors and readers and I want each blog author to create a user profile.
Ideally I would do this through a customized user admin area with a bunch of added custom fields, but it seems a bit clumsy and not sure how hard it would be to pull this info into the main site (I was thinking switching to that site, pulling the info, then back).
The other way involved creating a Custom Post Type in the main site and manually creating the content myself and linking to the author’s sites (sub sites).
I know this is a general question without specific code, but I think it’s an important question.
One implication: I want to assign custom taxonomies to the users and run custom loops usign them (on the main site).
I’m not interested in using BuddyPress because I only really need about ten custom fields and I want the sub blog authors to be able to use any theme they want.