At the moment I’m using a custom post type called ‘locations’ I would like to be able to put input fields into the custom post type that would store the information such as ( address, type, phone number, etc.. ) in a separate table called ‘markers’ So when a new post is made it will create a new entry in the table markers from the following input fields / have it updatable or removable when post is either changed or deleted.
I’m not sure where to start to get these linked together to work in such a fashion, I know how to make a insert.php file to add new locations and to create a database but not with wordpress in such a fashion. My apologies but I’m pretty new to SQL and PHP.
You should avoid creating more tables. Just do it if you really have a good reason to. Note that wp_postmeta
can store practically any kind of data, and simply using the get_post_meta
function can do all the job in most cases.
But if you must use another table, and taking it generally, then you’re looking for the save_post
and delete_post
Replicating custom fields
Because you mention custom fields, if you want to replicate the information from wp_postmeta
to another table, you would do something like:
add_action('save_post', 'save_markers');
function save_markers($post_id) {
global $wpdb;
$marker = get_post_meta($post_id, 'marker_custom_field', true);
// go and put $marker on the markers table
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO markers ...");
The above applies also for the delete_post
But, if you want to store the information directly on the other table, maybe metaboxes suits you better.
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'marker_add_meta_box');
function marker_add_meta_box() {
__('Marker Title', 'your-plugin-textdomain'),
function marker_metabox ($post) {
wp_nonce_field(plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'your-plugin-texdomain');
$marker = get_marker_from_another_table();
<label for="marker_field">
<?php _e('Marker field description', 'your-plugin-texdomain'); ?>
<input type="text" id="marker_field" name="marker_field" value="<?php echo $marker; ?>" size="25" />
And then, for saving it:
add_action('save_post', 'save_markers');
function save_markers ($post_id) {
if ('locations' != $_POST['post_type'])
if (!current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ))
/* Here you have $marker and $post_id, then you can just
do the reference in your markers table. */
global $wpdb;
$marker = $_POST['marker_field'];
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO markers VALUES ...");
And of course, you can do more verifications with the code above.