I created local database in DB2 called “TestDB” then I created table called “TestTable“.
I found that the table is put under schema name is “yasmin“.
I am trying to connect to the DB2 database using JDBC but I got this exception

    R SQLException information
[1/4/14 11:32:59:289 EST] 0000004d SystemErr     R Error msg: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=DB2ADMIN.TESTTABLE, DRIVER=3.61.86
[1/4/14 11:32:59:290 EST] 0000004d SystemErr     R SQLSTATE: 42704
[1/4/14 11:32:59:290 EST] 0000004d SystemErr     R Error code: -204
[1/4/14 11:32:59:290 EST] 0000004d SystemErr     R com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=DB2ADMIN.TESTTABLE, DRIVER=3.61.86

I tried many solutions on the internet Like set schema but unfortunately doesn’t work.

This is the JDBC code I used

 String urlPrefix = "jdbc:db2:";
        String url;
        String user;
        String password;
        String empNo;                                                              
        Connection con;
        Statement stmt;
        ResultSet rs;

        url = urlPrefix + "//";
        user = "db2admin";
        password = "db2admin";
          // Load the driver
          System.out.println("**** Loaded the JDBC driver");

          // Create the connection using the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
          con = DriverManager.getConnection (url, user, password);                 
          // Commit changes manually

          System.out.println("**** Created a JDBC connection to the data source");
          stmt = con.createStatement();   con.createStatement();                                         
          System.out.println("**** Created JDBC Statement object");
          // Execute a query and generate a ResultSet instance

          rs = stmt.executeQuery("select *from TestTable");                   
          System.out.println("**** Created JDBC ResultSet object");

        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)

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