In wordpress you have a few ‘default’ archive URL’s. Like for example: generates an overview of the posts of (only) that year.

If you have an category blogs the url generates an overview of all the posts within that category. (Spread over multiple pages)

Now is my question is there any link which generates an overview of all posts (spread over multiple pages) starting with the newest first and going back in time?

So not like the 2011 url, which only fetches from this year, but go’s further back in time when applicable.

My current permalink structure is:




This may be an old question, but all the answers here are incorrect.

If the front page is set to a static page, and another page is set to the blog page, this will dynamically fetch and echo the URL for the blog archive page (i.e. blog index page)…

<?php echo get_permalink( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ) ?>

This first fetches the page id for your blog page (from your site options), then fetches the permalink for that page id.

From a coding standpoint, WordPress assumes that your homepage and your blog page are one and the same. This is vestigial functionality from the days when WordPress was literally just a blog system, and not the full-featured CMS it has become. As such, you cannot generally trust the naming convention of WordPress’s core functions.

FOR EXAMPLE: home_url() will generally return your homepage, whatever it is… which may not necessarily be your main blog archive/index. However, the conditional is_home() function returns true only for your main blog archive not your actual homepage (which is tested using is_front_page()).


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