I’m using the following function to create a portfolio category named “tips_username” when a user registers on my website.

add_action('user_register', 'auto_create_traveltip_category');
function auto_create_traveltip_category($user_id) {
    $tip_category_name="tips_" . $_POST['user_login'];
    wp_insert_term($tip_category_name, 'portfolio_entries', array(
            'description' => 'Travel Tip for ' . $_POST['user_login'],
            'slug'        => 'tips-' . $_POST['user_login'],
            'parent'      =>  '',

This is working fine, but now I need a function to automatically delete the category when I delete a user, for example from the user list.
I implemented the following function taking inspiration from https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/delete_user:

function delete_traveltip_category_with_user($user_id) {
    global $wpdb;
    $user_obj = get_userdata($user_id);
    $tip_cat_name="tips_" . $user_obj->user_login;
    $tip_cat_desc = get_term_by('name', $tip_cat_name, 'portfolio_entries');
    $tip_cat_id = $tip_cat_desc->term_id;
    wp_delete_term( $tip_cat_id, 'portfolio_entries' );
add_action( 'delete_user', 'delete_traveltip_category_with_user' );

Unfortunately it is not working. Can you please have a look and tell me what’s wrong with it? Thanks!!

1 Answer

  1. delete_user action involves two parameters: $id and $reassign. So you should specify two parameters for the hook.
  2. Because sanitize_term() and sanitize_user() use different ways to sanitize strings, 'tips_' . $_POST['user_login'] and 'tips_' . $user_obj->user_login are not always the same string. So it’s better to use 'tips_' . sanitize_user($_POST['user_login') as term name when inserting the term.

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