Recently started developing a WordPress theme relying heavily on the customizer API.
One thing I’m stuck with is detecting when a specific panel has been clicked or opened.
Regular old “on click” events are not working.
In another panel I have multiple controls and I’m able to detect when the form elements within are changed using something along the lines of:
api.controlConstructor.typography = api.Control.extend( {
ready: function() {
var control = this;
control.container.on( 'change', '.typography-font-weight select',
function() {
control.settings.font_weight.set( $( this ).val() );
control.container.on( 'change', '.typography-font-style select',
function() {
control.settings.font_style.set( $( this ).val() );
I’m able to get a lot of info if I run a console.log(control);
No way have I been able to find out how to detect when a specific panel is open though.
Any info or suggestions on a listener or something of the like would be greatly appreciated!
I should mention as well that this script resides in a customizer.js script that I’m enqueuing with the customize_controls_enqueue_scripts