I would like to introduce page-hierarchy navigation in my WordPress blog using subpages. So each page may have sub-pages, but I’d like that when a visitor clicks on a page header he will be redirected to a specific subpage. For example, say my hierarchy is:

1. Movies
1.1 General
1.2 Westerns
1.3 Animated
2. Music
2.1 General
2.2 Classic
2.3 Country

What I want is that when someone clicks on “Movies” he will reach “Movies/General”. Can this be achieved using plugins alone? If not, what’s required?

3 Answers

Using WordPress custom nav menus create a menu and add the “General” page 2 times. The first as the parent and the second as the first child then add the rest of the pages as childs under the first General.

Change the title in the first general to movies then on the front end when a user clicks movies they will got to the general page.

enter image description here


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