Hovering my mouse over a file name or a thumbnail brings up the Edit option, I want to know is there any hook to disable all edit links in Media library on Multisite
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2 Answers

There’re several filters that you can utilize:

Custom column content

If you got a custom column that you added with the “-filter, then you can use the


filter to alter the content. If you only want to target non-hierarchial post types then there’s as well the manage_posts_custom_column and for hierarchical ones, there’s manage_pages_custom_column. All three filters have two arguemnts: $column_name, $post->ID.

For the media library there’s a special filter: manage_media_custom_column.

Removing actions

IIRC, there’s the following filter to add or remove different actions:

apply_filters( 'bulk_actions-' . $this->screen->id, $this->_actions );

You should be able to obtain the screen ID from get_current_screen()->ID.

For the media library it’s – again – a special case and you have to use the

apply_filters( 'media_row_actions', $actions, $post, $this->detached );


Make sure that you don’t use $this-> inside your callback arguments as you’re not in object context.

Removing the image link

So far there’s no possibility to completely remove the <a href="" ... tag without a lot of effort. But you can (simply) set the link target to the current page with using the get_edit_post_link-filter.

Just re-target it to sprintf( '#post-%s', $post_id );:

add_filter( 'get_edit_post_link', 'wpse107783_remove_media_icon_link', 20, 2 );
function wpse107783_remove_media_icon_link( $url, $post_id )
    if ( 'upload' !== get_current_screen()->id )
        return $url;

    return sprintf( '#post-%s', $post_id );

Why not CSS or JS?

Still people could remove event listeners or CSS rules via their developer tools, which is something you might not want.


A real lock out can only happen server side based on roles and capabilities.

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wpse107783_redirect_media_edit' );
function wpse107783_redirect_media_edit()
    if (
        ! is_admin()
        OR 'attachment' !== get_current_screen()->id

    exit( wp_redirect( admin_url() ) );

Note: I’m not sure if template_redirect is the right hook here. It might as well be admin_menu or init.


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