I have the WP3.4 and I would like to disable the admin bar. I have tried to do that with many ways, but the admin bar do not display. Is possible to do on this version of WP (3.4) or i make a mistake in the code?
Below are the ways that I’ve tried.
Thanks in advance.
The 1st :
function my_function_admin_bar(){
return false;
add_filter( 'show_admin_bar' , 'my_function_admin_bar');
The 2nd :
add_action( 'init', 'disable_admin_bar', 1 );
function disable_admin_bar() {
add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );
The 3rd
if (!function_exists('disableAdminBar')) {
function disableAdminBar(){
remove_action( 'admin_footer', 'wp_admin_bar_render', 1000 ); // for the admin page
remove_action( 'wp_footer', 'wp_admin_bar_render', 1000 ); // for the front end
function remove_admin_bar_style_backend() { // css override for the admin page
echo '<style>body.admin-bar #wpcontent, body.admin-bar #adminmenu { padding-top: 0px !important; }</style>';
function remove_admin_bar_style_frontend() { // css override for the frontend
echo '<style type="text/css" media="screen">
html { margin-top: 0px !important; }
* html body { margin-top: 0px !important; }
add_filter('wp_head','remove_admin_bar_style_frontend', 99);
// add_filter('admin_head','remove_admin_bar_style_backend'); // Original version
add_action('init','disableAdminBar'); // New version