My company currently has a multisite of about 20 sites, and growing every day. We’re trying to go through the plugins and set standards. IE, forms use plugin X. However, we have not found a single way to go through and systematically show which plugins aren’t even used.

Is there a function that can show us the used, or unused plugins? I have tried searching everything I can think of and cannot for the life of me find an answer.

2 Answers

I think you can use this plugin:

Provides info to site admins as to which plugins are activated
sitewide, and which blogs plugins are activated on.

This plugin is using get_plugins()

and fetches get_option('active_plugins') for each blog to compare.

It uses switch_to_blog() on each blog so it might be slower on large multisites, but I think this function got faster after the wordpress 3.5 update, according to


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