I’m migrating from ActionBar
to Toolbar
in my application.
But I don’t know how to display and set click event on Back Arrow on Toolbar
like I did on Actionbar

With ActionBar
, I call mActionbar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true)
But there is no the similar method like this.
Has anyone ever faced this situation and somehow found a way to solve it?
If you are using an ActionBarActivity
then you can tell Android to use the Toolbar
as the ActionBar
like so:
Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(R.id.my_awesome_toolbar);
And then calls to
will work. You can also use that in Fragments that are attached to ActionBarActivities
you can use it like this:
((ActionBarActivity) getActivity()).getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);
((ActionBarActivity) getActivity()).getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(true);
If you are not using ActionBarActivities
or if you want to get the back arrow on a Toolbar
that’s not set as your SupportActionBar
then you can use the following:
mActionBar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
//What to do on back clicked
If you are using android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar
, then you should add the following code to your AppCompatActivity
public boolean onSupportNavigateUp() {
return true;