WordPress has a cron named “delete_expired_transients
” as seen in the image below.

In this way, does it clean expired transients daily?
Or is it just giving us action?
Should we clean it ourselves in this way according to the hook?
add_action('delete_expired_transients', 'my_custom_fn');
function my_custom_fn()
See also: delete_expired_transients()
Yes, delete_expired_transients
is a cron event that runs once per day and the function delete_expired_transients()
is automatically called when the cron event runs — see wp-includes/default-filters.php. So you do not need to call the function manually like you did in your my_custom_fn()
And if you use a plugin like WP Crontrol, you can easily view the cron events in your site and the actions (functions) that will be called when a specific cron event runs.