I’m trying to give access to an user with the role Editor to this plugin settings page: https://wordpress.org/plugins/commenter-data/
In the code of this plugin on line 31 of commenter.php there is this function:
function cd_setting_page(){
add_options_page( 'Commenter data Settings', 'Commenter data Settings', 'administrator', 'commenterdata-settings', array( $this, 'cd_renderer' ));
This only allows for the administrator user role to access the settings page.
I’m wondering if there is a way to override or add a filter to this function in my themes functions.php file in order for my user with the user role Editor to access this plugins settings.
Any help would be great!
Unfortunately, the plugin author did not leave room for a filter. But I did request one for you here.
I suggested changing:
/* Add option page */
function cd_setting_page(){
add_options_page( 'Commenter data Settings', 'Commenter data Settings', 'administrator', 'commenterdata-settings', array( $this, 'cd_renderer' ));
/* Add option page */
function cd_setting_page(){
$cap = apply_filters( 'commenter_data_settings_page_capability_filter', 'administrator' );
add_options_page( 'Commenter data Settings', 'Commenter data Settings', $cap, 'commenterdata-settings', array( $this, 'cd_renderer' ));
so you could use this in your theme’s functions.php file if the plugin author makes it exactly what I suggested.
add_filter( 'commenter_data_settings_page_capability_filter','my_settings_page_filter' );
function my_settings_page_filter( $cap )
// allow Editor role the ability to access Commenter Data Settings Page
return 'edit_posts';