I would like to know if it is possible to enable free shipping with Woo Commerce only if certain items (or items of certain categories / shipping classes) are included in the cart.

The Free Shipping option only activates on the basis of cart value or via a coupon code so I investigated Flat Rate shipping and discovered that it prioritises the most expensive shipping class over the cheaper ones. This means the free shipping class I created never overrides the default charge.

I understand the logic behind this but it’s the opposite of what I need as the idea is to incentivise purchases of higher profit margin products by eliminating delivery charges when they’re included in an order.

I don’t know if what I am trying to achieve is simply not possible within Woo Commerce. A coupon that only applies to certain products / categories seems to be the closest I can get but I’d rather not force users to enter a code at checkout.

Does anybody know if there any simpler ways to give users who purchase certain products free shipping?

6 s

Perhaps this doesn’t fully answer your question, but the table rate shipping plugin does give you the option to set a priority for a particular rate. Furthermore, this discussion gives a lot of hints as to where you could look for solutions

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