I need to add custom methods to the Xml-Rpc file and have found the following:
// Custom plugins
add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', 'custom_xmlrpc_methods');
function custom_xmlrpc_methods($methods)
$methods['myMethod'] = 'my_function';
return $methods;
Is it possible to have the callback function in another file and if yes then how do you do that in the code?
- If I have lots of custom methods what is the best approach to handling this?
If I have lots of custom methods what
is the best approach to handling this?
Instead of filtering xmlrpc_methods
, you could extend the wp_xmlrpc_server
class and set your class as default with the filter wp_xmlrpc_server_class
// Webeo_XMLRPC.php
include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php');
include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php');
class Webeo_XMLRPC extends wp_xmlrpc_server {
public function __construct() {
$methods = array(
'webeo.getPost' => 'this:webeo_getPost',
'webeo.getPosts' => 'this:webeo_getPosts'
$this->methods = array_merge($this->methods, $methods);
public static function webeo_getName() {
return __CLASS__;
public function sayHello($args) {
return 'Hello Commander!';
public function webeo_getPost($args) {
// do the magic
public function webeo_getPosts($args) {
// do the magic
add_filter('wp_xmlrpc_server_class', array('Webeo_XMLRPC', 'webeo_getName'));