I am trying to change some of the settings that get loaded with MediaElement.js. I can’t seem to find a filter or hook to alter the settings that are loaded. The only way I was able to customize the settings is by opening up the core MediaElement.js file and changing the settings there.
Obviously this is less than ideal, because I’m forced to edit a core WordPress file which will be overridden on update. How can I change the settings using a filter so my settings aren’t lost?
I am trying to set
enableKeyboard: false
Copy wp-includes/js/mediaelement/wp-mediaelement.js
into your theme or plugin and make your modifications there. For example, I added some settings to force the use of native video controls on iOS & Android devices, like so:
(function ($) {
// add mime-type aliases to MediaElement plugin support
$(function () {
var settings = {
// Put your custom MediaElement.js Player Options here...
alwaysShowControls: true,
// force iPad's native controls
iPadUseNativeControls: true,
// force iPhone's native controls
iPhoneUseNativeControls: true,
// force Android's native controls
AndroidUseNativeControls: true
if ( typeof _wpmejsSettings !== 'undefined' )
settings.pluginPath = _wpmejsSettings.pluginPath;
$('.wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode').mediaelementplayer( settings );
You can then use an action to dequeue the original and enqueue your modified version. If you’re doing this in a theme, add the following to your functions.php file:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_mediaelement_settings' );
function my_mediaelement_settings() {
wp_deregister_script( 'wp-mediaelement' );
wp_register_script( 'wp-mediaelement', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/js/wp-mediaelement.js", array( 'mediaelement' ), false, true );
This assumes you put your modified wp-mediaelement.js
file inside a js
directory within your theme.