I have a little probleme on which I really need help 🙁 . So, I need to create in my wordpress’ post something that I call “You may also like to read”! Let me tell you more about this:
For example, my wordpress post is something like this:
3-4 lines of text (like an introduction ~ theme of the article).
You may also like to read.
The rest of the post.
The “You may also like to read” contain 2 links. Im alwas generate these links manually via html code (ul, li, a tags). So it’s difficult to me to always generate these links manually. I need somehow to generate these links randomely and automatically.
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/lwTko.png)
I googled for 2h and I found nothing, actually I found a plugin that can do that but it’s not working (no update for more than 4 years)…. I found also some php code but neither that works. So I really have no idea what I could do next 🙁
So can you help me?
You have indicated that you wish to reuse this code, so it is better used within a function so that it can be called whenever you desire. I’ve made changes to my answer to reflect this below.
You can use the below code to generate a list of posts (in you case 2x random posts) together with a header. The output is formated in a way indicated by the image in your question. This code can be used anywhere within your theme –
The function that does all of the work, below, should be placed in functions.php.
If you wish, you can pass a different list title to the function, as well as a different $args
array. This allows you to customise the scope of your random Posts, targeting specific categories or tags, only searching a certain date range, or only looking for Posts where some custom data value is set for example – the possibilities are endless. Check out the Class Reference for WP_Query
for more information on what you can do with these args.
* Output a list of posts under a heading
* @param string $title The title to output in the list heading
* @param array $args The arguments for getting the required posts
function my_post_list($title="You may also like to read:", $args = array()){
$defaults = array( // Set some defaults for querying the Posts
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
'posts_per_page' => 2,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'orderby' => 'rand'
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); // Parse any arguments passed to this function with the defaults to create a final '$args' array
$random = new WP_Query($args); // Query the Posts
if($random->have_posts()) : // Check to make sure some random Posts were returned
echo '<h4>' . $title . '</h4>';
echo '<ul>';
while($random->have_posts()) : $random->the_post(); // Create a new custom Loop, and for each Post set up the postdata
printf('<li id="random-post-%1$s">', get_the_ID());
'<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a>',
the_title_attribute('before=Check out \'&after=\'&echo=0'),
echo '</li>';
wp_reset_postdata(); // Reset the postdata so that the rest of your Loop will work correctly
echo '</ul>';