Get a list of checked checkboxes in a div using jQuery

I want to get a list of names of checkboxes that are selected in a div with certain id. How would I do that using jQuery?

E.g., for this div I want to get array [“c_n_0”; “c_n_3”] or a string “c_n_0;c_n_3”

<div id="checkboxes">
    <input id="chkbx_0" type="checkbox" name="c_n_0" checked="checked" />Option 1
    <input id="chkbx_1" type="checkbox" name="c_n_1" />Option 2
    <input id="chkbx_2" type="checkbox" name="c_n_2" />Option 3
    <input id="chkbx_3" type="checkbox" name="c_n_3" checked="checked" />Option 4

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