I’m looking for a filter that provides the full page generated in WordPress – including the head section with meta tags, body, styling and dynamic content. the_content() and the_excerpt() do work only for the dynamic part and the request filter seems to work only for SQL queries (or not)?

I would like to filter some data in the entire page in all links or buttons. How can I do this?

3 s

You can use output buffering to accomplish this.

Add a high priority hook directly before the template is rendered:

add_action('template_redirect', 'foo_buffer_go', 0);
function foo_buffer_go(){

Add a shutdown hook with an extremely low priority.

add_action('shutdown', 'foo_buffer_stop', 1000);
function foo_buffer_stop(){

Inside your callback, you manipulate the rendered HTML.

function foo_buffer_callback($buffer){
  //Do something with the buffer (HTML)
  return $buffer;

You may download this as a plugin here: http://3-3.me/B9lK

  1. Enable the plugin
  2. Visit the site and it will be rendered as “Foo Bar” which means you are capturing the entirety of the generated HTML

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