I am using a custom post type in my website and a custom taxonomy for it.
An author selects one or many terms before publishsing its post.
My goal is to display authors pages in front end, so I am using author.php
template file. This file is by default displaying the archive of posts written by the specific author. How can I add to this file the list of the custom taxonomy terms for the author published posts?
I give the following example if I wasn’t clear in my explanation:
if Author-x has published:
**post1** with term1 , term2, term3
**post2** with term2, term5
**post3** with term1
then, in Author-x page I will have : term1, term2, term3, term5.
It is exactly the same principle as in user page in stack exchange. As you can see, there is a list of tags for each user which are tags of posts the user contributed in.
Thank you for your usual help.