Is it at all possible to get a user’s ID in a function right at the point of log out?

I tried to hook it to wp_logout, but it just returns null when trying to get the user’s info.

I’m wondering if there is another hook that comes before wp_logout destroy’s the session that would enable me to capture the ID and do something with it.

I simply want to update a user meta field with the time of logout.

Is there any way of doing this?

1 Answer

I think I figured this one out.

I had misread this answer and hooked the function I wrote to wp_clear_auth_cookie (actually a function itself!) instead of clear_auth_cookie (the real hook), so that wasn’t working. But now using the real hook, I think it might be. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Below is the function with the hook.

function users_last_login() {
    $cur_login = current_time(timestamp, 0);
    $userinfo = wp_get_current_user();
    update_user_meta( $userinfo->ID, 'last_login', $cur_login );
add_action('clear_auth_cookie', 'users_last_login', 10);

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