I have a custom post type called user_images. I would like to create some filters and populate the dropdowns dynamically. I am using the follow code:

$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies((object) array('post_type' => $post_type));
$terms = get_terms('image_categories');
foreach( $terms as $term ){
  echo $term->name;

This is correctly listing my custom taxonomy Image Categories but it is showing terms even if none of the posts have that term assigned to it. How can I only list out the terms which are associated with posts and within this specific custom post type?

1 Answer

get_terms should hide empty terms by default, but you can force it to setting hide_empty argument to true:

$terms = get_terms( array(
    'taxonomy' => 'image_categories',
    'hide_empty' => false,
) );


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