get_terms orderby name as numbers

I have a custom taxonomy filled with terms such as ‘volume 1’, ‘volume 2’, ‘issue 1’, ‘issue 2’, ‘issue 10’ and get_terms orderby name returns list as:
issue 1, issue 10, issue 2 though I need it to be issue 1, issue 2, issue 10

I tried searching wp.stackexchange and using my google-fu to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

4 Answers

I know this post is very old but still answering for others who reach here.

Following is a very simple filter to sort the terms as numbers. You only need to set the variable $taxonomy_to_sort with taxonomy slug and place it in functions.php of your theme.

add_filter( 'get_terms_orderby', 'terms_order_as_number', 10,  3);

function terms_order_as_number($order_by, $args, $taxonomies){

    $taxonomy_to_sort = "numbers";

    if(in_array($taxonomy_to_sort, $taxonomies)){
        $order_by .=  " * 1";

    return $order_by;

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