wp_list_authors() gives a list of author pages permalinks (site.com/author/john, site.com/author/jenny, etc). I want the same links using get_users() or get_userdata() functions instead. I need these functions because I display authors in a very customized way. However I don’t know how to get proper author page slugs with those functions.

(for example, one author has an email address as her Username, and the wp_list_authors()-generated link for her author page has dashes in place of the “@” and the “.”. This is to say that the author page slug is not necessarily the same thing as the username)

1 Answer

You can retrieve the author page URL for any user by their user ID using the WordPress native function get_author_posts_url(). Combining this with get_users() to retrieve an array of users, you can create an author list in pretty much any way you like!

Below is an example of the usage of get_author_posts_url(), displaying a link to the author page for the currently logged in user:

$userid = get_current_user_id();
echo '<a href="' . get_author_posts_url( $userid ) . '">' . __( 'User profile', 'my_textdomain' ) . '</a>';

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