I’ve been plugging away at creating my own theme and am pretty much there, but ran the Theme Check plugin and had a few concerns/questions:
- Throughout the theme, wherever there is text, I’ve used
_e( 'Import / Export' );
for example to help with translations. I’m getting this message though throughout: RECOMMENDED: Text domain problems in admin/options-backup.php. You have not included a text domain! I’ve tried to do some research about text domains, but am for some reason not putting thing together correctly. - I’ve received warnings for add_custom_image_header and add_custom_background not being included, but I don’t necessarily have these things available anyway – is there a way to register these functions, but then take them away (to get rid of that warning)?
- One other item is *REQUIRED: Could not find comment_form.* But, in my theme, I am using comments_template() instead – should I just overlook this one? As a frame of reference, I built this off of rootstheme.com
Thanks for any and all help on this one – I hope these types of questions would be useful for others trying to create a clean, WordPress template.