Can anyone give me a function or an idea of the method I would need to use to hide categories from the selection box in wp-admin?
I have a custom post type and I would like my authors to be able to choose ONLY between 5 of those categories while they are editing their posts. I would like this to only be the case with the custom post type and NOT for regular posts.
Something like this should do it. Replace wpse_77670_getPermittedCategories()
with however you select the array of permitted categories, and 'your_custom_category'
with whatever your custom taxonomy is for your custom post type.
* filter terms checklist args to restrict which categories a user can specify
* @param array $args arguments for function get_terms()
* @param array $taxonomies taxonomies to search
* @return array
function wpse_77670_filterGetTermArgs($args, $taxonomies) {
// check whether we're currently filtering selected taxonomy
if (implode('', $taxonomies) == 'your_custom_category') {
$cats = wpse_77670_getPermittedCategories(); // as an array
if (empty($cats))
$args['include'] = array(99999999); // no available categories
$args['include'] = $cats;
return $args;
if (is_admin()) {
add_filter('get_terms_args', 'wpse_77670_filterGetTermArgs', 10, 2);
Edit, to work with regular ‘category’ taxonomy on custom post type:
function wpse_77670_filterGetTermArgs($args, $taxonomies) {
global $typenow;
if ($typenow == 'tsv_userpost') {
// check whether we're currently filtering selected taxonomy
if (implode('', $taxonomies) == 'category') {
$cats = array(89,90,91,92,93,94); // as an array
if (empty($cats))
$args['include'] = array(99999999); // no available categories
$args['include'] = $cats;
return $args;
if (is_admin()) {
add_filter('get_terms_args', 'wpse_77670_filterGetTermArgs', 10, 2);