How can I add a fifth option to the alignment picker?

I’d like to have the following options in the image alignment picker:

  • Left
  • Right
  • Center
  • Full
  • None

Obviously four of those are there by default, but the “full” one doesn’t currently exist. The idea is to allow the user to easily insert full-bleed images like in this article.

Is it possible to modify the alignment list? I can’t seem to find any information on it.

1 Answer

You mentioned using the class in your comment. You could try just adding


to the css from the link you provided.

Or use jQuery:


if($(this).width() > 300){

  'width' : '100vw';
  'position': 'relative';
  'left': '50%';
  'right': '50%';
  'margin-left': '-50vw';
  'margin-right': '-50vw';

I realized I didn’t answer your actual question about adding buttons. WordPress uses the TinyMCE editor which is built in javascript. So you have to create a plugin with a javascript file similar to the one found here: and add your own css styles to the code.

Then follow the WordPress instructions for creating a TinyMCE plugin found here:

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