I currently have a theme with OptionTree installed. It is used to create a list of locations which are then visible in a dropdown in the header of the page. The display code with OptionTree looks like this:
<form action="" id="formsel" method="post">
<div class="locations">
<?php $location = ot_get_option('location');?>
<label for="country_id" class="no-display">Select Country</label>
<select name="country_id" id="country_id" tabindex="1">
<option value="">Location</option>
<?php foreach($location as $listedlocation):?>
<option value="<?php echo $listedlocationhttps://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/213980/how-can-i-create-a-list-of-values-to-be-iterated-through-via-wordpress-customiza;?>"><?php echo $listedlocationHow Can I Create a List of Values to Be Iterated Through via WordPress Customization API?;?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
I’d like to convert this into something similar using the WordPress Customization API, but I am unsure how to accomplish this. I have successfully implemented the customization API where it takes a single value, but not where it needs to iterate over a number of values.
1 Answer
Assuming you have an array $locations
available, you can use this code to generate a dropdown in the customizer. It’s not that different from a single value.
$section_name="wpse213980_section_name"; // adapt to your naming system
$section_title="wpse213980_section_title"; // adapt to your naming system
$setting_name="wpse213980_setting_name"; // adapt to your naming system
$setting_field_options = $locations;
$sanitize_callback = 'sanitize_text_field';
$wp_customize->add_setting($setting_name, array(
'default' => '',
'type' => 'theme_mod',
'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
'theme_supports' => '',
'transport' => 'refresh',
'sanitize_callback' => $sanitize_callback
$control_args = array(
'section' => $section_name,
'label' => $setting_title,
'settings' => $setting_name,
'priority' => 10,
'type' => $setting_field_type,
'choices' => $setting_field_options,
$wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Control ($wp_customize, $setting_name, $control_args));
Props Otto.