I’m trying to get into unit testing with C#. Various people told me to go with NUnit since it’s better than MSTest (apparently, I have no idea) and it also has very good support in ReSharper which I’m using.
Now I’ve never written a unit test before in my life (bear with me, I’m a university student). ReSharper has this nice CreateUnitTests context menu option that I’ve seen others (casually looking over the shoulder) use to great success. You right-click in a method, select CreateUnitTests and there you go, a test skeleton is created. You just fill in the important bits.
Now when I try the same, ReSharper wants me to create a new Test Project… and when I let it, it creates (what I’m assuming) a MSTest project with obviously a MSTest test template. But I already have a class libarary project which references “nunit.framework” and has a few NUnit tests that ReSharper is more than willing to run. Still, it only ever creates MSTest test templates, and only ever in special “Test Project” projects.
What am I doing wrong? Am I doing something wrong at all, or is creating NUnit test templates not possible with ReSharper? I’ve searched the net and read the documentation of ReSharper and NUnit and I still can’t figure out is this even possible or what.
I’d be grateful if anyone could provide me with a sort of guide to using ReSharper + NUnit.
EDIT: I’m using ReSharper 4.5 and NUnit 2.5.3
EDIT2: Apparently I’m an idiot. CreateUnitTests is not part of ReSharper, but part of Visual Studio and thus only ever works with MSTest.