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Closed 3 years ago .
I am trying to use my own Custom SVG Icon for WordPress admin menu icon.
Below is the contents of the SVG File:
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN" "">
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 5000 5000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<path stroke="none" d="M1025 4033 c-131 -18 -314 -89 -435 -168 -93 -60 -252 -218 -309 -305 -127 -195 -181 -379 -181 -615 0 -313 101 -557 319 -776 152 -152 318 -246 517 -292 l91 -22 23 -60 c108 -286 359 -559 642 -698 192 -95 374 -137 598 -137 208 0 358 31 543 110 l90 39 66 -40 c36 -22 102 -52 146 -66 73 -25 93 -27 235 -27 142 0 162 2 235 27 44 14 109 43 143 64 69 41 169 127 203 174 l21 29 -179 -2 -178 -3 -41 55 c-52 70 -90 104 -187 173 -114 82 -290 162 -432 198 -44 11 -96 24 -115 29 l-35 9 3 312 3 311 37 -6 c80 -14 254 -70 408 -132 89 -35 164 -64 168 -64 3 0 6 304 6 675 l0 675 -350 0 -350 0 0 270 0 270 -837 -1 c-461 -1 -851 -4 -868 -6z"/>
<path stroke="none" d="M4220 2705 c0 -584 3 -795 11 -795 7 0 52 21 101 47 265 140 461 387 545 689 26 92 28 112 28 289 0 177 -2 197 -27 288 -16 54 -47 139 -69 188 l-42 89 -273 0 -274 0 0 -795z"/>
When I use the icon as an admin menu icon, it shows up in black.
I want the icon to color automatically like the other wordpress menu icons. I tried adding fill=”black” to my paths as per the advice found in this stack overflow exchange but it did not work. Is there something about my SVG that is causing this problem?
From Codex:
* Pass a base64-encoded SVG using a data URI, which will be colored to match the color scheme. This should begin with ‘data:image/svg+xml;base64,’.
WordPress will change color of your SVG if you use SVG content instead of the file URL. (JS code responsible for changing the color is in svg-painter.js
You must add the fill
attribute to path
, otherwise the color will not be changed automatically by WP.
When you register a page with add_menu_page
or add_submenu_page
, add SVG data directly to $icon_url
Example :
Icon data:
//$myicon = base64encode(
// '<svg version="1.0" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 5000 5000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" >'
// . '<path fill="black" stroke="none" d="M1025 4033 c-131 -18 -314 -89 -435 -168 -93 -60 -252 -218 -309 -305 -127 -195 -181 -379 -181 -615 0 -313 101 -557 319 -776 152 -152 318 -246 517 -292 l91 -22 23 -60 c108 -286 359 -559 642 -698 192 -95 374 -137 598 -137 208 0 358 31 543 110 l90 39 66 -40 c36 -22 102 -52 146 -66 73 -25 93 -27 235 -27 142 0 162 2 235 27 44 14 109 43 143 64 69 41 169 127 203 174 l21 29 -179 -2 -178 -3 -41 55 c-52 70 -90 104 -187 173 -114 82 -290 162 -432 198 -44 11 -96 24 -115 29 l-35 9 3 312 3 311 37 -6 c80 -14 254 -70 408 -132 89 -35 164 -64 168 -64 3 0 6 304 6 675 l0 675 -350 0 -350 0 0 270 0 270 -837 -1 c-461 -1 -851 -4 -868 -6z"/>'
// . '<path fill="black" stroke="none" d="M4220 2705 c0 -584 3 -795 11 -795 7 0 52 21 101 47 265 140 461 387 545 689 26 92 28 112 28 289 0 177 -2 197 -27 288 -16 54 -47 139 -69 188 l-42 89 -273 0 -274 0 0 -795z"/>'
// . '</svg> '
// after encoding
Adding menu page with svg icon:
add_menu_page( $page_title, $menu_title,
$capability, $menu_slug, $callback,
// your icon
'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' . $myicon