How can I show drafts in wp_dropdown_pages list?

I am using wp_dropdown_pages in the backend of my site to generate a list of pages according to a specific set of criteria.

The list only shows published posts where I would like it to show both published posts and drafts.

I have found other Stack Exchange threads which show how to accomplish this in the standard wordpress dropdowns, but this does not seem to extend to wp_dropdown_pages.

What I am using to show drafts in the standard dropdowns is this:

    /* Show drafts in dropdown lists */
    add_filter('page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args', 'my_attributes_dropdown_pages_args', 1, 1);
    add_filter('quick_edit_dropdown_pages_args', 'my_attributes_dropdown_pages_args', 1, 1);

    function my_attributes_dropdown_pages_args($dropdown_args) {
        $dropdown_args['post_status'] = array('publish','draft');
        return $dropdown_args;

The above works great. I would like to do exactly the same thing for custom fields generated using wp_dropdown_pages. To clarify, in the backend, I am generating a dropdown list using the following code:

    $dropdown_args_food = array(
        'depth'         => '2',
        'selected'      => $selectedFoodType,
        'post_type'     => 'page',
        'name'          => 'selected-food-type',
        'id'            => 'selected-food-type',
        'echo'          => 1,
        'meta_key'      => 'category',
        'meta_value'    => 'food',
        'hierarchical'  => 1,
        'show_option_none'      => ' ',
    wp_dropdown_pages( $dropdown_args_food );

The above generates a dropdown list of pages exactly as I want it to be, only without drafts.

2 Answers


It seems that you can do this directly with WP function wp_dropdown_pages() as birgire points out in his response below:

This solution is longer, and uses get_posts() to fetch specific post statuses.

$pages = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_parent' => 0, 'post_status' => array( 'draft', 'publish' ) ) );

echo '<select name="selected-food-type" id="selected-food-type">';
foreach( $pages as $page ) {
    echo '<option value="' . $page->ID . '">' . get_the_title( $page->ID ) . '</option>';
    $children = get_children( 'post_parent=". $page->ID );
    foreach( $children as $subpage ) {
        echo "<option value="' . $subpage->ID . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . get_the_title( $subpage->ID ) . '</option>';
echo '</select>';

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