In the plugin, The css file loads sitewide by default, I want to load it only on the Single post.
the conditional tags, i.e, is_single() isn’t working in plugins,
any idea how can we achieve that?
In the plugin, The css file loads sitewide by default, I want to load it only on the Single post.
the conditional tags, i.e, is_single() isn’t working in plugins,
any idea how can we achieve that?
You are hooking early.
In the plugin, the css file loads site-wide by default, I want to load
it only on the single post.
It’s a very good thought many developers don’t take this into account while developing themes/plugins.
isn’t working in plugins
Where are you using is_single
template tag in WP run cycle ?
or wp
Template tags are not available yet until template_redirect
action. So those tags don’t work for init
or wp
Best place to work with scripts or styles is on wp_enqueue_scripts
which runs after template_redirect
Any idea how can we achieve that ?
There are many ways to achieve depending on the plugin we are using.
Coming to TablePress plugin.
is the place where plugin is en-queue-ing stylesheet.
if ( apply_filters( 'tablepress_use_default_css', true ) || TablePress::$model_options->get( 'use_custom_css' ) ) {
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_css' ) );
You can completely turn off en-queuing the stylesheet using the tablepress_use_default_css
and custom css option to false, and then load them wherever you need in your custom plugin/theme.
If you dig through the file there are many conditional en-queuing is done for that plugin.
You can also dequeue style first and then enqueue wherever needed.
function wp_228402_load_styles_conditionally() {
return; // return if not on the single post/page
Check the priority for the above that’s the key it should be greater than default value 10.