I am putting together a new blog and for some reason the home page took the title and description of the initial post. Is there a way to just set the home page title/description separately?
I am trying to edit it via YoastSEO, but I get this screen when I try to set my Home title/description:

But what I was expecting was the form fields for title/description.
Thank you!
The “Reading Settings” at a domain’s wp-admin/options-reading.php is, by default, set to latest posts. So, WordPress, by default, would show the title of the post being set at “General Settings” at a domain’s wp-admin/options-general.php . In this case, Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin would have form fields to customize it.
When the “Reading Settings” are changed to show a static page as the front page, then the title of that page is shown as the title of the blog itself. This is the expected default behavior. Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin would have not any form fields, in this case, but would contain the link to the post to edit the title and the description.