I’m trying to add Pinterest’s nopin=”nopin” HTML attribute to the comment avatar image tags on my blog. Here’s the function I’m using to call the avatar on each comment:
get_avatar($comment, 50, vol_random_image())
vol_random_image() just selects an image from an array if the commenter doesn’t have a Gravatar.
I know get_avatar has an $alt attribute, but that only sets an alt tag, right? How would I go about adding this custom HTML tag?
Full code of the function:
echo "<li ", comment_class(), " id=\"li-comment-", comment_ID(), "\">\n
\t<article id=\"comment-", comment_ID(), "\" class=\"comment\">\n
{$tab3}<div class=\"comment-author vcard\">\n
{$tab3}\t<div class=\"comment-avatar\">\n",
get_avatar($comment, 50, vol_random_image()),
{$tab3}</div>\n" .
(($comment->comment_approved == '0') ?
sprintf("{$tab3}<em>") . __('Your comment is awaiting moderation.', 'volatyl') . sprintf("</em><br />\n") :
'') .
"{$tab3}<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\">\n{$tab3}\t" .
sprintf('<cite class="fn">%s</cite>', get_comment_author_link()) .
"\n{$tab3}\t<div class=\"comment-date\">\n
{$tab3}\t\t<a href=\"", esc_url(get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID)), "\"><time pubdate datetime=\"", comment_time('c'), "\">";