I’ve only ever used wordpress as a self-hosted blogging platform – until now. I have a requirement to use it for a very basic CMS which will consist of ~ 10 pages, most of which will be static content, updated periodically. I’m going to need to ability to upload documents, embed images, edit copy using the text editor – pretty much all of the standard features wordpress offers.
However, I’m having difficulty surrounding the issue of editing specific sections within a page – in particular, just knowing where to begin. A ‘normal’ CMS would traditionally break a page into separate sections and allow me to edit any of those sections, either by directly editing the content, or by including shared content in that spot. I cannot find out how to do this using wordpress.
Is it possible to ‘stretch’ the Page model so that a Page is actually just a chunk of content, it gets included by a specific page/template, and it’s – somehow – protected from being viewed directly (removing it from navigation menus being a start).
Any pointers on where to begin?
To clarify, imagine a standard wordpress blog post. Pretend it’s a static piece of content. Suppose you wanted an editor to be able to change just the first paragraph of that blog post. Now,
- should the static content on that page be in a Post, Page, Template, or something else?
- should the editable content be a Page, … or something else?
For example:
<h1>About us</h1>
<p>Example.com is a company specialising in examples, demonstrations,
and canonical stuff.</p>
If I want that paragraph to be editable, presumably I need something like:
<h1>About us</h1>
<p><?php insert_page('name-of-content-chunk'); ?></p>
Update 2
OK, after a lot of research, trial, and error, I’ve included the following:
- WordPress is not set up to easily replicate a classic CMS, particularly with regard to having several pieces of content on one page.
- This model can be imitated, more or less, using custom posts (see below)
- Pages very nearly offer the ability to do this, however:
- A plugin is required just to include a page
- Pages don’t seem to be as flexible as posts – e.g. no custom page types
The method I’ve used, using custom post types, is broadly as follows:
- The page is a ‘Page’ with a custom template – call it ‘mypage.php’
- That template contains the following:
<div id="header"> <?php query_posts(array('name' => 'foo', 'post_type' => 'header-text')); get_template_part('header-text'); ?> </div> <div id="content"> <p>Some static copy in the template that can only be changed by the site administrator.</p> <?php query_posts(array('name' => 'bar', 'post_type' => 'image')); get_template_part('image'); ?> </div>
Does that make sense to anyone out there? 🙂