I have several different sites running off WordPress, and the URLs tend to get fairly long and cumbersome (particularly when I try to publish them via Twitter). I recently purchased a very short domain name, and I’d like to use it as the root of a personal URL shortening service.
So …
would becomehttp://eam.me/portfolio
would becomehttp://eam.me/df3DF
would becomehttp://eam.me/csp1
- And custom things like
would becomehttp://eam.me/wpa3076
Basically, I want to set up and manage my own TinyURL-like server … but with some specific requirements:
- It should integrate fully with WordPress so I can dynamically create new short URLs whenever I create a page or a post (every piece of content I create on each site should have its own short URL).
- I can specify if I want the URL to be random (like
) or I can choose a unique string instead (like/wpa3076
) at the time of URL creation - I should be able to view/edit/manage the URLs I have in the database from within WordPress
At the moment, I’m leaning towards a standalone system like YOURLS that lives in its own database. The problem I’m facing (and I’ll confess now that I haven’t attempted it yet) is integrating the system fully with WordPress. I want each post to automatically suggest a short URL before I hit “publish” and then automatically create the URL when I finally do “publish” the post. I’d also like to administer all of my links from within each of the sites using the service.
Is this even possible? Is there already a solution around to do this? If not, where do I start?
(Cross-posted to StackOverflow)