I am venturing into creating my own plugin (for learning and site development) and haven’t found an answer to this yet.
I managed to find a piece of code on stackexchange to print a list of the handles:
global $wp_scripts;
foreach( $wp_scripts; -> queue as $handle ):
echo $handle . ' | ';
Now this is great and all if I want to print a list of the handles on the homepage of my website. I can use this same code to print it in a plugin page in the admin area, but it lacks two things. 1.) How do I print the scripts that are enqueued on the homepage (without printing there) and 2.) I cannot get the url of the scripts called. I think it would be better to print this list to an array, but I couldn’t figure out how to do that in this case (cycling through the array and storing the value of each $handle).
I have included my function as I have it written.
function below_the_fold_admin() {
if ( is_admin() ) {
echo '<div class="wrap"><h2 style="text-align: center">Below The Fold</h2><h3>A list of your script handles.</h3><p>';
global $wp_scripts;
foreach( $wp_scripts->queue as $handle) :
echo $handle . ' | '. $src . '<br>';
echo '</p>';
echo '<h3>A list of your Style Handles</h3><p>';
global $wp_styles;
foreach( $wp_styles->queue as $handle) :
echo $handle . ' | ' . $src . '<br>';
echo '</p></div>';