How does WordPress Multisite know that a Plugin is installed?

I am running a WP Multisite Network.

I am curious to know how WordPress knows that a plugin is installed on a network site:

  • how does WP know that a plugin is Network Activated?
  • how does WP know that a plugin is activated at the site level?

Does it record this instance in a DB Table somewhere? If so, which table and how is it tagged?

Thanks for helping.

1 Answer

You can clearly see the way WordPress loads plugins if you inspect the source code of the file wp-settings.php.

The function wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins() loads plugins for individual sites in the network and for non-Multi-Site installations, while wp_get_active_network_plugins() loads network activated plugins when Multi-Site is enabled.

The former more or less just calls get_option() to get the active_plugins option from the wp_options database table, while the latter uses get_site_option() which is the network-wide version of get_option(). The option which has the network enabled plugins is called active_sitewide_plugins.

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